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000428_owner-lightwave-l _Tue Feb 21 01:25:16 1995.msg
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Date: Mon, 20 Feb 1995 23:41:24 -0500 (EST)
From: Scott Burton <aj754@freenet.toronto.on.ca>
Subject: Re: Inside or Outside (The Quest for PAR)
To: lightwave-l@netcom.com
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On Thu, 16 Feb 1995, Carl Andrew Johnson wrote:
> In my continuing quest form information regarding the PAR I have to ask
> this next question. What works best? Internal drives or external dirves?
> I'm concerned about heat buildup in my A4000. Occassionally I keep a cold
> drink on top of it, but I don't hink this is going to help when I get
> into these LOOOONG redering sessions twhere the machine may bneed toobe
> on weeks at a time.
> Suggestions???
Keep in mind that the drive itself must me connected directly to the PAR
card so you can't just plug it into the back of the computer! (not to
mention its an IDE drive, oops, 4000 got IDE built in) Any way, you still
cant just plug it in.
As far as heat goes, well one solution is to take the cover off of your
computer! I have a A2000 thats almost totaly full and have experienced
heat problems. I havn't had the cover on my computer for over 2 years!
(solved my heat problem) Just don't drop anything in your computer!!
Scott Burton - Lightwave Moderator - Command Line BBS
AJ754@freenet.toronto.on.ca (416) 533-8321